BODY TYPE: PYKNIC. Dominates the abdomen, stomach, both in width and in length, short and strong limbs,short neck, frequent round face. Body tends to expand.
DANCE: BORN STOMACH. Fluid, aqueous, wavy. Without much action or dynamic, tend to the floor, dance is slow and quiet, sometimes extremely explosive. Expressed and focus in the face, by passinf all the emotions. Qualities for characterization.
Movment is heavy. It tends to sway body parts.
Has a los of elasticity. No muscle tone.
EMOTIONAL TRASNMISSION: Go through all the emotional stages issuing the end a picture of peace, calm and fullness or stillness, reminiscent of childhood and the naive. Transmit an absence of skeletal, giving a feelinf od softness and laxity. Baby image.
Cover photo: Divine.